- New,
- Made in the Netherlands,
- ExcellENT is an excellent elegant modular laryngology unit ,The elegant and modular design makes ExcellENT a stylish treatment unit that fits into any treatment or consultation room,
- ExcellENT is designed so that all necessary equipment is within easy reach and ergonomics is guaranteed. The customer's wishes combined with the modular design provide unprecedented possibilities,
- This highly popular fully equipped ENT unit is available in three basic models that can be customized. Many additional functions can be fully integrated into the ExcellENT units, allowing the operator to work efficiently and ergonomically. In addition, the unit provides ample storage space for instruments and disposables,
- ExcellENT Microscopie - has been specially designed to treat recumbent patients. The treatment unit has a dual design with storage space for instruments and essential equipment. This creates an ergonomic and multifunctional work space.
- ExcellENT II - is a derivative of ExcellENT, ideal for situations where a high degree of customization and integration of options is not required. This treatment unit offers the ability to integrate the most frequently ordered options, allowing for efficient and ergonomic work. This treatment unit has a smaller touchscreen, thinner top and offers the ability to integrate the most frequently ordered options for efficient and ergonomic operation. This treatment module has four handles.
- ExcellENT IIS - This is the smallest treatment module in the ExcellENT family, which means option integration is more limited. This treatment unit, like the other members of the ExcellENT family, enables efficient and ergonomic operation, but with a reduced footprint,
- Thanks to their easy-to-clean design, the units score very high in terms of hygiene. The units are virtually seamless, and the lack of gaps between the walls and floor facilitates fast and thorough cleaning,
- ExcellENT treatment units can be further expanded with multiple modules, such as a sanitary block. This will enlarge the unit and create more working space,
- ExcellENT is equipped with a high-quality, durable solid-surface top that is easy to clean and provides an excellent appearance,
- ExcellENT can be fully customized with a range of integrated features,
- ExcellENT standard version:
- 2 instrument trays and 5 parking holders,
- 1 large storage drawer,
- Storage drawer for used instruments and waste,
- Possible integrated functions (at extra charge)
- Suction system (various models),
- Automatic cleaning,
- Compressed air system (various models),
- LED light source (various models),
- Hot water ear syringe,
- Mirror heating (preheating and/or hot air),
- Flushing system -Flushing system for suction tubes,
- Videoendoscopy,
- Video stroboscopy,
- Microscope with integrated camera,
- HF surgery/coagulation,
- Image and video management system (IVM),
- Tympanometer,
- Integration of sanitary blocks, additional cabinets, customized office furniture, etc,
- Optional accessories (at extra charge):
- AQUATOP XS - Warm water ear syringe,
- LED MEDITOP - Headlamp,
- MEDITOP - Comfort chair,
- SOFTWARE - Video and images,
- ZEISSA - microscopes,
- SPIGGLE & THEIS - instruments & disposables,
- Technical Data:
- Connection voltage: 230V,
- Maximum power: 2300VA,
- Dimensions: L. 3150 x D. 660 x H. 950 mm (including sanitary facilities)
- Warranty 12 months,
- Possibility of financing (Poland only): Installments, Leasing, Loan,
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
In case you don’t find the product you are interested in, please get in touch with us and we will do our best to find the perfect solution for YOU.