- New,
- Made in UK,
- Deluxe Model complete with base cover, matching operators chair and head support cushion,
- Retractable wheel system
- Vertical lifting design with stabilty throughout,
- Crescent shaped seat design,
- Basic equipment:
- Breathing hole and plug for prone treatments (6004),
- Paper Roll handle (6005),
- Lithotomy stirrups (6045),
- Debris tray,
- Protective Base Shrouding (6053),
- Removable headrest (6007),
- Standard operators chair (6100),
- Anti-bacterial powder coated framework,
- TiMotion electric linear actuators,
- Technical Specifications:
- Length: 196 cm,
- Width: 70 cm,
- Safe working load and lifting capacity of 240 kg (528 lbs),
- Adjustable angle electric backrest from 0 ° to 80 °,
- Power assisted adjustable head section from -25 ° to 50 °,
- Excellent height range from 50 cm to 103 cm,
- Additional Equipment (extra paid):
- Lithotomy stirrups (6045),
- Protective Base Shrouding (6053),
- Battery Back-up (6057),
- Triple foot switch (6209),
- Technical Passport,
- 24-month warranty for electric
Best Offers
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Office: +48.655-270-167
Service: +48.782-844-000
Mariusz Prais: +48.693-37-27-47
Łukasz Prais: +48.665-345-001
E-mail: biuro@praiston.pl